FTIR stands for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. FTIR Analysis measures the infrared region of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum, which has a longer wavelength and a lower frequency than visible light. This spectrum is measurable in a sample when submitted to infrared radiation (IR). The basic theory at work is that the bonds between different elements absorb light at different frequencies.
What’s That Smell? The Chemistry Behind the Seasonal Scent of Frankincense
From fresh pine to warm cinnamon, the holiday season is filled with delicious and memory-evoking scents. But perhaps one of the most iconic of Christmastime smells is that of frankincense. Oftentimes described as a sweet and woody scent with notes of lemon, frankincense is an aromatic resin that’s extracted from the bark of Boswellia trees. […]
Using Chemical Analysis to Identify the Perfect Packaging
They say not to judge a book by its cover, but do you judge products based on their packaging? Consumers tend to be primarily concerned with aesthetics when it comes to a product’s packaging. Marketing teams design packaging to be eye-catching and easy to read. However, there is more to product packaging than appearance. Good […]
What is New Car Smell?
As you’re pulling your brand new car out of the lot, it’s likely that you notice the familiar “new car smell”. The new car smell is something we’ve come to expect so much that if that smell were absent, you might feel like your new car is missing something important. In fact, when selling used […]
What is Chemical Analysis?
Chemical analysis can be used to determine a chemical’s identity or the identity of its components, such as understanding why a product gives off a strong smell or locating what an organic contaminant is made of. The type of specimen and need defines which type of instrumentation to use, as well as which type of […]