During the manufacturing process unknown compounds may be left in a product. GC/MS is used by manufacturers to detect residual solvents trapped in a product either from the production line or cleaning process, trace levels of impurities in liquids, or atmospheric impurities in a sealed environment.
The detection of these foreign compounds left behind may be vital for manufacturers demanding the quality of their products and the safety of their customers.
A successful technique to discover these types of compounds is combining the features of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. This process allows for the identification and quantification of many organic compounds left behind after the manufacturing process.
To understand the GC/MS process and how it helps manufactured product production, please refer to the following:
GC/MS Process
The GC/MS process begins by injecting the sample into a gas chromatograph, which will separate the components based on size and/or polarity.
After this step, the components flow into a mass selective detector. The mass spectrum obtained can be compared to standard reference libraries to identify the unknown components.
This process can identify unknown substances in gaseous and liquid form. Sample sizes as small as several micro-liters of liquid or gas are eligible for analysis.
The time for the GC/MS process to complete takes approximately 1 hour or less, varying by the complexity of the compound.
Learn more about GC/MS Analysis with an overview of how it’s used and how it’s done.
Uses for GC/MS to support manufacturers:
- Residual solvents trapped in a product either from the production line or cleaning processes.
- Residual monomers left after the polymerization process
- Trace levels of impurities in liquids
- Atmospheric impurities in a sealed environment.
Learn more about GC/MS lab services and find out if GC/MS is right for your manufacturing application by contacting us.
Hi, I am looking to get my gel/cream GCMS analyzed…can you please contact me and send me info as to pricing ect….Thanks very much
Todd Bergman
V.P. Sales
Neotherm, LLC