When products fail, production lines are shutdown—leaving workers idle and impacting your bottom line. As a result, fast and accurate product failure analysis testing is a must to determine the cause of the failure and get production up and running. That’s where services from our failure analysis labs can help.
With more than two decades of experience in the materials testing industry, our failure analysis testing services can deliver insights and results in just seven to ten business days or less with premium rates. Keep reading to learn how we use failure analysis testing methods such as FTIR analysis and GC/MS analysis to uncover why plastic parts, epoxies and adhesives, circuit boards and other products have failed, as well as help prevent product failures.
Failure Analysis Testing Applications
Polymers and Plastics
Today, plastics and polymers are essential building and packaging materials for a wide variety of manufactured products. But wrong material selection, contaminants or poor product design are common causes of plastic product failure—and plastic failure analysis can be an effective tool for uncovering most causes.
Find out how we used FTIR analysis to distinguish good and failed plastic parts.
Adhesives and Epoxies
Adhesives and epoxies are often critical to product or packaging design, or are the actual product being produced for sale. Like with plastics, material selection, contaminants and product design can all contribute to failure. But environmental conditions such as storage and transportation conditions can play a role, too. Failure analysis testing can help pinpoint where in the production or distribution process a failure occurred.
Learn how we determined the cause of a failing epoxy.
Medical Devices, Circuit Boards and Other Sensitive Electronics
For medical device and electronics manufacturers, cleanliness is paramount to the function and safety of their products. However, contaminants can find their way onto a product, and it can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of a short, residue or stain without an experienced failure analysis lab.
See how we uncovered the cause of a head crash on a magnetic disk.
Failure Prevention
Every product has the potential to fail—something every manufacturer and quality engineer knows. The good news is that failure analysis can be used as a failure prevention tool early in the product design and manufacturing process.
Common Failure Analysis Testing Techniques
Depending on the product and the type of failure, there are several failure analysis testing techniques that can be used individually or in tandem to find answers. Some of the most common techniques we employ include:
Let Us Be Your Failure Analysis Testing Lab
If you think you’re in need of failure analysis testing services, get in touch with us today. Our experienced lab technicians will recommend the necessary techniques, give you a price quote and answer any other questions you may have.